Breaking Into Telehealth: A Nurse’s Journey from the Bedside to Remote Triage

As a registered nurse with extensive experience in various hospital settings, the transition to telehealth may seem like a daunting leap. Yet, for those feeling burnt out by the demands of bedside care, exploring remote opportunities can offer a refreshing change while still allowing for meaningful patient interaction. My own journey into the telehealth space was marked by uncertainty, research, preparation, and ultimately, success.

After years spent in med surg, telemetry, medical ICU, and CSICU, I found myself grappling with the familiar symptoms of burnout. The nurse-patient ratios became increasingly stretched, leaving me feeling stretched thin and unable to provide the level of care I desired. It was clear that a change was necessary, but I hesitated, unsure of where to turn next.

The first step was acknowledging the need for change and accepting that transitioning away from the bedside was not a failure, but rather a strategic move to preserve my passion for nursing. With determination, I revamped my resume to highlight my diverse skill set and achievements, recognizing that telehealth managers value not only clinical experience but also critical thinking skills and adaptability.

Armed with a polished resume and professional photos, I turned my attention to LinkedIn and began networking within the telehealth community. Triage nursing caught my interest as it offered a blend of patient interaction and clinical decision-making, making it an ideal fit for my background. I dove into research, familiarizing myself with call center operations, Schmitt-Thompson protocols, and the nuanced art of patient care over the phone.

Preparation was key as I anticipated potential interview questions and scenarios. Within a week of applying, I received my first call from a recruiter, a testament to the value of strategic resume crafting and networking. Through multiple rounds of interviews, I showcased my expertise and passion for telehealth, ultimately landing the position I had worked diligently to attain.

My transition into telehealth began in an office setting but swiftly shifted to remote work amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the initial adjustments, remote triage nursing has proven to be a rewarding and fulfilling career path. By embracing change and seizing opportunities for growth, I have found renewed purpose in delivering high-quality patient care from the comfort of my own home.

For nurses considering a similar transition, I offer this advice: trust in your abilities, invest in your professional development, and remain open to new possibilities. The telehealth space is expanding rapidly, offering ample opportunities for nurses to thrive outside of traditional bedside settings. With determination and perseverance, you too can break into telehealth and embark on a fulfilling career journey that aligns with your passion for patient care.

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